I got an email today from a friend, who forwarded a request that I attend the Board of Education meeting regarding the “bussing (sic) situation.” The adult who wrote the original request, and could not spell the word “busing” correctly, is actually a teacher in one of the local Jewish day schools. Maybe we have bigger problems than “bussing.”
Some local residents have formed an organization called “Safe Teaneck” ostensibly to fight against the new bus routes because, they claim, there is a safety issue. Too many kids in one place at one time. That sounds safer to me than one or two kids on an isolated street corner.
They’ve come up with a stupid slogan, “It’s about little kids crossing big streets.” To which I must ask, where are the parents? Shouldn’t they be walking their little kids to and from the bus stop? And if they are, why are we concerned about big streets?
Let me make it clear, this is not a safety issue, it is the issue of the spoiled rotten snobby Teaneck day school parents demanding to have it better than the goyim.
I’ve read some of the comments on various blogs and websites. One poor girl has to walk almost a quarter of a mile to her bus stop (and the girl is in high school). The organization claims that there will be dozens of kids and cars on residential street corners at 6:30 in the morning. Really? Maybe some Frisch kids and the older YNJ kids have an early bus, but to blatantly lie about the situation is just plain wrong.
I say this as an observant Jew, and a day school parent.
If you are unhappy that little Johnny, I mean Yoni, will have to walk a few extra blocks (or more likely his lazy mommy will have to drive him a few extra blocks), then just say so.
If you don’t want your day school kid at a bus stop with public school kids because you fear for his or her safety, then just let your racist mouth say that.
Don’t make this into a safety issue. It isn’t.
Nothing personal, but your an idiot.
Nothing personal, but you're both idiots. Merriam-Webster includes "bussing" (along with "busing") as the present participle bus.
Bob, I believe you were trying to say, "You are an idiot." Note that the contraction of such a statement would read, "You're an idiot."
Good Morning,
Unfortunately I was not able to attend the big event last nite to discuss the busing but I heard it was not a pleasant experience for most that attended. I am familiar with the issues as I have a child in the public school system. This issue like all other issues in the community results in favoritism towards one group of people in the town of Teaneck. Why does it always seem to go this way?,, because the orthodox community does not stop pursuing something that they want until they get their way. There is no concern for others that are not orthodox or for members of the community that perhaps disagree with them. It is forever and always about them. Does it seem logical for a public school board of education to accept money to protect the quality of life of private school students. This is ridiculous and illogical. The Board of Education, which is funded with tax dollars must represent the people. All the people, not just one group. And yet,, we continue to always and forever protect one group of people at all times. Is it because they have bigger bank books than the rest of us? or is it that age old idea that when you are the "chosen ones" you are entitled to all things in the universe going your way and no regard for anyone else. How is it unsafe for your children but not unsafe for ours. Teaneck used to be a tremendously beautiful community and then the orthodox came and basically took it away. They were not looking to be a part of the community, they were looking to own it.
If I could sell my house and get the monies I put into it back I would move tomorrow. But unfortunately like many I cannot. I am stuck in this community of division and "hate thy neighbor" instead of "love thy neighbor"
The board of education should never have agreed to take that money. They should have allowed the orthodox to start their suing process and see where it got them. Bending over and giving in is never the answer.
The entire board should be wiped clean during the next election. And we need to get someone on the board who has a pair of "you know what" and knows how to use them.
Ardie Walser, Dr. Pruitt and all members of the school board. I am very disappointed in you. You had a moment in history where you could make a stand for your people, your town and most importantly what is right, but instead you let them buy you. I hope you are able to sleep well while you are driving your kids to school and the family next door has private bus service that this town is paying for.
signed the black and jewish girl who has had enough of this bullshit
There are two different issues at play, walking to the bus and safety at the stops. I agree that the walking to the stop is a non issue. There is an issue that the BOE has multiple schools at the same stops at the same time and some stops are not on safe roads. This is an issue that the BOE should have addressed. 50 children at a stop with multiple busses coming, is a safety issue. Stops on busy streets is a safety issue. However, these could be addressed as scheduling and review without money being involved.
This is not about favoring private school students over public school students. It is not about favoring one group over another. It is about protecting our children's safety, plain, and simple. If you think that having 30+ students congregating on a street corner waiting for buses from 3 or 4 different schools, with parents waiting in idling cars, won't have a deleterious effect, then you're nuts. And by the way, nobody has suggested that courtesy busing to public school students should not be restored as well. Frankly, BOE should figure out a way to pay for it. Nobody is suggesting otherwise.
What really offended me is the racist tone and the assertion that Orthodox Jews invaded Teaneck looking to take it over and destroy what was once a tremendously beautiful community. First of all, Teaneck is still a beautiful community. Its Orthodox Jewish Community, which by the way has been here for at least 50 years, is involved because it values the community. That involvement takes many forms, in municipal governance, in the volunteer ambulance corp., in the library, and other community groups and projects. There is no need to inject race into this issue, and anyone who does needs to take a good look in the mirror.
Last I checked judaism is a religion and not a race. This is probably where most of the original problems have started everywhere in the world with this idea that judaism is a race. It is a religious faith in which people have incorporated a culture and living style as well. Because of it's status as a religion it needs to be separate from government affairs like every other religion. Including local government.
And the orthodox did come in to take over. I did not say they came in to destroy just to take over. The orthodox community did not come in so they could join in, they have taken every aspect of what was special in teaneck and separated and created their own. The orthodox have their own sports teams, their own merchants, everything is incredibly separate from everyone and everything else in this town. THAT IS NOT WHAT TEANECK WAS ORIGINALLY ABOUT.
The increase of the orthodox in this community has created an inbalance in the cultures represented in the schools and what is actually represented in the town. Regular caucasian non religious folk, christian, jewish, atheist, agnostic or whatever are not moving to this town as they believe there are not enough white people in the school to create balance. Let's be genuine here. We have plenty of white folk in the town, however they don't participate with the schools. By the orthodox community increasing it has not allowed other regular caucasian every day people to increase in their numbers. Those white numbers are critical to Teaneck as are the numbers for black, Hispanic and Asian.
Teaneck is well on it's way to becoming a Munsey, it's just unfortunate that all of us regular folk did not put up a stronger fight like some of the surrounding towns.
Please remember that every homeowner pays school taxes. There are no discounts or vouchers provided to any family who chooses to pay tuition to a private school.
The issue is safety for every child living in Teaneck. If you assume that the children will all have to walk to their bus stop then the longer the distance walking on streets without any sidewalks the greater the exposure to potential harm from either car accidents or being the victim of child predators. The police will need to increase their patrol of the streets to protect ALL children. The alternatives is to hire crossing guards whose cost will exceed the cost of the original bus routes.
If assume that a large number of parents will drive their children to the bus stop then the police will have to direct traffic at each bus stop hub in order to avoid accidents and to insure the busses can easily gain access to the stops in view of the large number of cars that will be waiting.
The racist cartoon is disgraceful and represents the views and real agenda of the illustrator and the hater posted it whose ignorance is showing.
Bergenfield and New Milford do not have school busing for any kids, everybody walks to school or goes by car (or carpool). These so called safety issues never arose in those towns. I can only attribute this so-called problem to the ortho-shmucks in Teaneck.
Yes the orthodox have their own sports teams because Teaneck Southern has games on Saturday, the soccer league is completely mixed.
The orthodox have their own stores because they want to buy kosher products/Judaic items and who else would have a store like that
And if busing was such an important issue to PS families, why cant they get together and fight for it. As a non PS parent, the only thing I get from BOE is busing. It was cut and I fought. If I got other benefits (SAT prep, athletics...) then its a decision which to fight for
Yes how dare Orthodox Jews complain about anything. Its not like we get taxed to death for schools we don't use. Oh wait it is. Maybe you public school people should concentrate on the fact that Teaneck schools suck.
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High school kids here in Teaneck do NOT get buses. Get your facts correct before stating opineon. Teaneck is too cheap for that.
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