The voters went to the polls and defeated the school budget proposal.
The town council decided to take the recommended 4% increase and decrease it to 3%, defeating the will of the majority of Teaneck's voters.
We'll keep on paying six figure salaries to gym teachers and to administrators who haven't seen the inside of a classroom since they removed the inkwells from the student's desks.
The town approves a "worst case scenario" layoff plan to deal with a $650,000 deficit, yet claims to be trying to avoid any layoffs.
Our interim town manager says he wants to avoid layoffs and limit salary increases.
In a world where people are losing jobs or taking pay cuts, we want to give out raises to township employees, but "limit" the amount.
This is fiscal irresponsibility. How about asking for pay CUTS instead of limiting the amount of RAISES!
Our firemen claim to only want 3% raises annualy beginning next year. How about we counteroffer a 3% annual pay cut (after we eliminate 28 men).
This town is not democracy in action, it is democracy inaction.
According to 2008 figures on the Asbury Park Press' website, Teaneck had 174 employees making six figure salaries, with 98 of those coming from the board of education. (The records include employees enrolled in various pension systems. These are base salaries and do not include overtime, bonuses or benefits).
If the town feels it can make do with fewer employees, the cuts should be made whether or not there is a budget deficit. Just because we can somehow get the money from the backs of the township's residents, doesn't mean we have to spend it all on grossly exorbitant salaries and unheard of benefits for extraneous township employees.
Love the logo. It makes me understand why only 21% of Americans identify themselves with the Republican Party. Keep it up!
The Record updated their earlier story to include a breakdown of where the proposed layoffs would come from:
Fire: 17 demotions, 11 layoffs
Police: 3 demotions, 5 layoffs
Recreation: 3 layoffs
Building: 2 layoffs
Court: 1 layoff
Public Works: 1 layoff
General government: 1 layoff
Health: 1 layoff
Purchasing: 1 layoff
Finance: 1 change from full-time to part-time.
Notice how Barbara Wed morning quarterbacks everything.
Alot of Teaneck Talk and no ACTION.
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