Thye have no chance of prevailing. Why? They don't live in West Englewood. You'd never see a dog park in a residential area in the neighborhood of Teaneck's power population.
The council doesn't care that the park has a playground used by kids, complete with a wading pool. The fields are used for Teaneck's soccer and baseball leagues. The park is used for Shabbat afternnon "perek in the park" by the orthodox community (not the West Englewood fakers, the real orthodox).
Dog parks are great. My dog has been to many all over the northeast. Not one of them has been located in a residential neighborhood. But what does Adam Gussen care; it's not his house or his community. Shaft the "regular folks." Make it nice for West Englewood.
Kudos to you! There's nothing I hate more than a fake Jew.
...and when did Gussen move to West Engelwood?
fake Jews?
Hello, this has been tabled and council will look again at the lousy property opposite Temple Emeth. Get with the program.
BTW the portion of Sagamore park is wasted space, costing you money every time the DPW has to mow.
I say let it grow in...and by residential do you mean the one house, I guess living next to the railroad is not an issue, how about expending your energy on getting the trains to stop idling and spewing in the back yard.
I was being sarcastic. I would love for Out of Rightfield to explain why the Orthodox Jews in West Englewood are a bunch of "fakers."
Do the women secretly wear pants when on vacation?
Do they sneak a taste of the crab dip when out of town?
Do they clandestinely check their Blackberries on Saturday afternoon?
Correct me if I'm wrong, Anon 10:04, but that house is a block away from the railroad tracks.
Gussen lives far from West Englewood. But he does like dogs. So the Teaneck Talk Comment initiator is sure to be liked by Adam.
...and when did Gussen move to West Engelwood?
He didn't Esther, the post has several factual inaccuracies.
But what does Adam Gussen care; it's not his house or his community.
Do you research anything before you write it?
1) Adam Gussen doesn't live in the West Englewood Section, he lives right by the Sagamore area.
2) I'm not sure what a "fake Jew" is, but Adam isn't one of them. He has never 'faked' being orthodox.
3) Adam has attended Perek in the Park with his toddler. I've seen him there. Where were you?
In September you complained about the "influx of velvet yarmulkes, black hats and sheitels" in Teaneck. Now the people in West Englewood are "fakers" and not "real orthodox". I guess you have no regard for anyone who is not exactly like you. Where exactly do you and the "real orthodox" live? I hope not near me.
What a bunch of bupkis mit kuduchas! Out of Right Field you are Out of Your Mind!!
"Thank you God for giving me and some other posters intelligence to pay attention in a timely manner to things going on in town. Thank you as well for creating people as uneducated and separatist as Out Of Rightfield so that I can learn what real prejudice and ignorance is and avoid it." ... THis is my "I live in West Englewood but I don't know what a faker is" prayer for the day.
Gosh Out of Rightfield, why are you so angry with the world? Do you have a lousy relationship with your family? Co-workers if you have any? Rabbi? Kid's teachers? Such venom. I'm so glad I don't live near you.
doesn't anyone see that this blogger is here merely to bait everyone? Making outrageous and contradictory statements just to get a reaction, and everyone takes the bait.
You mean Out of Rightfield is not a real wingnut at all but a faker?
Is it possible to be a troll on your own blog?
good spot for a dog park. if 15000 is not available from town,then 100 dog loveing folks can donate 150 bucks and like magic we have the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
You mean Out of Rightfield is not a real wingnut at all but a faker?
Esther, yep. She's a regular Stephen Colbert.
Then she's brilliant! (if a bit subtle...)
Wonder how much she's bringing in with ad revenue. She's obviously trying to boost pageviews with rhetoric.
You really think she's a satirist? My psychologist friends say she is a very unfulfilled and unhappy woman and no one pays attention to her so this is her outlet. Makes sense to me. Have compassion on her children which she claims to have. Talk to her husband, maybe she needs to get.......
My psychologist friends say she is a very unfulfilled and unhappy woman and no one pays attention to her so this is her outlet. Makes sense to me. Have compassion on her children which she claims to have. Talk to her husband, maybe she needs to get.......
Lola - Are you describing Out of Right Field or Karin or both? Anyhow, please try not to be so negative. Its a new day, a new era. Let's look toward a positive future and cut the crap of the negative. We have had too many years of it. Let's not start NEW negativity either. It brings all of Omerica down.
Anonymous 7:18 pm
West Englewood is that really screwing area!!!! anyway you liked dog's park ha ha!!
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What a bunch of bupkis mit kuduchas! Out of Right Field you are Out of Your Mind!! Grrr, FIAO
I was being sarcastic. I would love for Out of Rightfield to explain why the Orthodox Jews in West Englewood are a bunch of "fakers." Do the women secretly wear pants when on vacation? Do they sneak a taste of the crab dip when out of town? Do they clandestinely check their Blackberries on Saturday afternoon?
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