For some reason, the Suburbanite has not updated their website since August 26, so if you don't get the paper delivered, here's what you missed in today's edition regarding Rabbi Feldman's private prayer group and/or synagogue:
Story doesn't have much that differs from the Jewish Standard's piece last month other than the fact that the cease and desist order has been appealed, during which there is a stay of the decision.
Notice that the headline comes to the conclusion that the house is a synagogue, when that is the whole point of contention; whether it is a synagogue or a private prayer group. Didn't really expect more from the Suburbanite, which is not a friend of the orthodox community (ever notice how even the ex-mayor's Chinese restaurant, which plasters their ads everywhere, does not advertise in the Suburbanite?)
The story also quotes Rabbi Feldman as saying "the letter gave us no guidance as to what would have to be stopped, as the act of praying itself was explicitly approved..." The way I interpret these words is: if the house is found to be a synagogue, they plan to "revert" to a private prayer group.
What would that take?? If they no longer call the place Etz Chaim, but instead refer to it as Rabbi Feldman's house, would that be enough?? What would make the house minyan a private prayer group and not a synagogue? Beats me!
Mr. Feldman's claim that he is "baffled as to why Mr. Gluck changed his mind" is clearly a lie as is his statement that the "letter gave him no guidance"
The letter said from the town said, "to cease and desist using the premises as a house of worship/place of public assembly".
Of course one needs to consider the possibility that he just a total moron.
or one can come to the conclusion, that YOU, Mr. Anonymous are the MORON.
and RUDE.
At least now I know where YOU daven!
So, in other words, the town has asked Rabbi Feldman to give up his 1st amendment rights under the Constitution?
Sounds like he isn't a moron, sounds like Teaneck is going to get SUED for a lot of money and lose as it always does.
It is my understanding that they are advertising themselves as a shul among the jewish community. If that is the case then stop playing stupid (oh gosh we are not a shul but a prayer group)
The question is: what is the 'red line' you have to cross that changes a prayer group in a house into a synagogue?
Some possibilities: Daily services (don't have); aron kodesh (have); social/catering hall (don't have); hot kiddush (have). I certainly don't know the answer and I'm betting nobody else does either.
when they start calling themselves a shul and not a prayer group any longer.
they DO call themselves a shul. Among the Orthodox Jewish community in and around the metropolitan tri state area Rabbi Feldman is referred to IN WRITING as the rabbi of Congregation Etz Chaim in Teaneck, NJ. Is there another Etz Chaim that we don't know about? Address please?
THis topic has been rehashed to death. Don't you guys have anything else more important to talk about?
So if they are calling themselves a shul them what is Rabbi Feldman up in arms about?
Find a new home to live in, get the property on Queen Anne rezoned nonresidential and lets move on, stop lying to the township and your neighbors Rabbi Feldman!
More lies on top of lies on top of lies on top of lies.
There are currently at least half a dozen 'shuls' operating in Teaneck with no zoning variances. Why has Teaneck singled out Rabbi Feldmans?
The groups considers itself a Private Prayer Group. That is what I read in the two articles published. That is what the Rabbi is stating. That is what their lawyer from the Rutherford Institute is stating.
We can argue about the defintion of private prayer group and house of worship all we want. The question is how does Teaneck (or the state of NJ or the Federal gov't) define these two terms.
So, for all of you with no much free time, how about you go to the Teaneck Zoning laws and get us defintions of the two?
Then apply these definitions to:
Sharei Tefilla
Arzei Darom
SWEAT Minyan
Rabbi Feldman's minyan
and let me know if the defintion has been applied evenly to all such cases.
The federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 prevents municipalities from using zoning regulations to prohibit religious gatherings.
This is an excerpt from an article about the Rabbi Farhi case in Deal back in 1985:
Our courts have found that a municipality may not directly regulate religious activity. For example, in Farhi v. Deal Bor. Comm’rs., 204 N.J. Super. 575 (Law Div. 1985), plaintiff was a religious educator and rabbi employed at a local religious school. He hosted brief daily prayers in his home as well as prayers on Saturday and Holy Days. After a summons was issued because houses of worship were not allowed in the zone, an application was made to the Board of Adjustment and denied. The record showed 15-25 worshippers attended on a given Saturday or holy day, all of whom walked; fewer worshippers attended the weekday morning prayers.
The Law Division held the New Jersey constitutional guarantee of freedom of worship forecloses municipal action to prohibit free exercise of religious activity in one’s home. The court added that the borough had failed to “select the least restrictive means” to accommodate plaintiff ’s right to free exercise or to demonstrate any government interest which could “arguably be classified as overriding.” The court also stated that municipalities retain the power to address local needs by ordinances dealing with parking or noise but not by an absolute prohibition of prayer with others at home.
Oh goodie... I hear my neighbors want to start up a Santeria group with animal sacrifices, YEAH!
Bet that will go over as well as the Rabbi's shul!
So who do all of the cars belong too parked in front of the good rabbi's house during the week?
Is he teaching in his home? Isn't teaching reserved for a SHUL?
they DO call themselves a shul. Among the Orthodox Jewish community in and around the metropolitan tri state area Rabbi Feldman is referred to IN WRITING as the rabbi of Congregation Etz Chaim in Teaneck, NJ. Is there another Etz Chaim that we don't know about? Address please?
"they DO call themselves a shul. Among the Orthodox Jewish community in and around the metropolitan tri state area Rabbi Feldman is referred to IN WRITING as the rabbi of Congregation Etz Chaim in Teaneck, NJ. Is there another Etz Chaim that we don't know about? Address please?
I live on the other side of town and have no dog in this fight. But I will comment on it because I think many people, including one or more anonymouses (how about using a name so we can at least see how many of you uysing that "name" there are)are being unfair, as well as rude, to R. Feldman.
What is at issue is whether what happens in the house has converted the house from a residence into a house of worship for zoning purposes. That is a difficult question that, eventually, some appropriate forum (Board of Adjustment, Town Council, Superior Court) will decide. It is unlikely, however, that what R. Feldman or others may call his organization for other purposes is particularly relevant, from a legal standpoint, to the zoning issue.
And as long as you're asking for comments, would you care to comment on the Fahri decision and how, in light of that decision, you can still be so strident about R$ Feldman and the prayer services that take place in the house.
Anon 11:57
Go for it! When you want to restrict religious freedom in this country, maybe you should join a skinhead group.
Anon 11:58
This post proves the ax to grind. Rabbi Feldman teaches at YU during the week and is not home. Those cars parked in front of his house belong to commuters using the NJ Transit as Van Buren allows parking on the street all day, while Griggs does not. Per usual, this is the case of making an unfounded allegation, providing no facts and spinning it to try and make your point. If you were to only stick to the truth, you know you'd lose.
Anon 11:59
He is the rabbi of Etz Chaim of Teaneck (no 'Congregation'). We daven at Care One on Sundays and legal holidays, we have a tehillim group (NOT at 554), we have siddur/chumash gemach (NOT run out of 554), we do other social events (NOT at 554). Many of us do daven at 554 as well, but not all. He is our 'Rabbi' because he is the person we go to with halachic questions. He is a brilliant scholar, an incredible speaker and an all around good guy, despite the slanderous remarks of some of the neighbors.
So, if in your opinion what goes on at 554 is 'illegal', what say you about what goes on at 653 Queen Anne Road which has been operating without any variances for 7 years. Having a variance to build a shul at 725 QA does NOT allow for doing whatever you would like at 653. To help you get what goes on there, check out:
Again, this doesn't seem to bother some of you. Why not?
Let's start a poll. Which trite expression is most being violated?
- Pot calling kettle black?
- What is good for the goose is good for the gander?
- All that needs to be done for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing?
I suspect it's going to be a close vote....
IMHO, the key distinction between a prayer group and a synagogue is advertising. If you are publicly announcing the services, it's a shul (like any other public accomodation). If it's word-of-mouth, it's a prayer group (like any other private gathering). Question -- is a TeaneckShuls post a public announcement?
so if one group davens 7 days a week out of a location and spreads the word via mouth, it is a prayer group.
if another group davens 1 day a week, but posts it in some 'public' fashion, it is a synagogue?
I don't recall ever seeing anything on Teaneckshuls for 554 QA.
Go for it! When you want to restrict religious freedom in this country, maybe you should join a skinhead group.
All right! Off we go to buy the chickens and goats, let the blood flow!
Hesh, why do you say that? If you have a prayer/learning group at a home (there are weekly tehillim groups, youth Shabbat learning groups, daf yomi shiurim) and post it or publicize it, that makes it a shul?
This is from the website of the Lutheran Church in Paramus: Small Group Bible Studies - Local small groups fellowshiping in several houses in the area with the purpose of discovering God's Word while building friendships.
Paramus is a pretty strict town. And these groups are going on (although maybe they have to close on Sunday).
Maybe the fountain in Sagamore Park will have to be rezoned as a shul because they have Perek in the Park for the kids there.
Anon 1:17-
I did not make allegations, I asked a questions, duh!
As far as having an axe to grind I would rather they stated on the tax rolls then came off them, I mean gosh at this rate Little Israel will have no ratables in a few years!
1.So who do all of the cars belong too parked in front of the good rabbi's house during the week?
2.Is he teaching in his home?
3.Isn't teaching reserved for a SHUL?
Because isn't one of the things that makes a shul a shul that teaching goes on unlike a prayer group?
Maybe the fountain in Sagamore Park will have to be rezoned as a shul because they have Perek in the Park for the kids there.
Perhaps all of teaneck should be rezoned at the rate illegal and legal shuls are popping up on street corners, oh my bad I mean prayer groups are popping up!
anon 1:44,
The Rabbi does not run ANY classes out of his house at 554.
The definition of a shul (or any house of worship) is not defined (directly) by any of us, but is defined by teaneck zoning ordinances, and potentially superceded by State or Federal Law.
Anybody want to look up how Teaneck defines a house of worship?
Another topic rehashed to death. Can we discuss something different in a rational way without anger, meanness or personal agendas? Wouldn't it be more productive for all involved?
Didn't Etz Chaim buy the house so that they could have a place to hold services. Isn't that enough to make it a house of worship?
Which part of the zoning code, state law or Federal law are you using to jump to that conclusion?
If a 'private prayer group' pays rent to the house it davens in, wouldn't that make it a house or worship?
I would think so.
But all that matters is the zoning code, state law and/or Federal Law.
As a dissenting resident of the town who has followed the development of the so called “Private prayer” group since its inception, I am very disappointed in the way the facts have been portrayed in this article by Mr. Santacruz and the JS, as well as how Rabbi Feldman appears to have twisted the truth about what is actually going on in 554 Queen Anne Rd.
Let’s start with the facts.
- The house was purchased by a non-profit organization and rented to a Rabbi leaves me to question that ultimate objective of this group.
- The permit for construction was filed with the town for “family room” that was much larger that any proportioned house in Teaneck, nor did the design of the family room portray an appropriate addition in line with the style of the house.
-In our many discussions with Mr. Gluck as well as the Mr. Turitz, never was it ever conveyed to them or us that Rabbi Feldman’s intention was to use this as a prayer group.
-If the whole intention was to use it as a prayer group, why not proceed with the appropriate filings like every other group and organization has done in this town.
-There appears to be a close relationship between Rabbi Feldman and the owner of the adjacent property on 576 Queen Anne Road, which by the way was also at times used as a commercial business, a rental property and as a prayer center by various group, including the same congregation that is now using 554 before being stopped by the Township for being used in an illegal manner. The yards of the both properties, which are currently separated by a fence, have various panels missing for people to go back and forth between the yards, and there is currently an Order from the town to have this rectified.
-Many Jewish websites as well as the Rabbinical Council have openly advertised 554 as a house of worship with formal postings of schedules and calendar of activities. Why is this posted on a public forum if this was a small private prayer group.
-The Rabbi lives in the house with his wife and two small children. The house, prior to being enlarged was in most people’s opinion more than ample size for a family of four as well as a small prayer group. An additional 20 – 25 families occupying the facility by most standards would no longer be considered a small prayer group, but rather a congregation.
-Additionally, based on observance at 554, there have been more than five hours a week devoted to religious services as portrayed by the Rabbi. Nevertheless, if you look at most houses of worship today, all of them show a relative low percentage of usage for actual time devoted to religious activities, so this should not be used as a basis for determining change in use.
As I continued to read the article, I was astonished to read that Rabbi Feldman say that he believes the prayer group is "among the most above-board and responsible, and we have taken every appropriate step to do everything by the book." Additionally, the article stated that when the Rabbi first decided to have a private prayer group in his home, it was of the utmost importance to him that everything be done above-board and in accordance with local ordinances. My response to this is that as a leader of faith based group, whose basis is predicated upon moral and ethical teachings and governance, Rabbi, it pains me to say that I sincerely have to question your moral compass in this matter because nothing you have done has been by the book or else we would not be in situation.
I had moved to Teaneck because I found this town to be one of the most open and accepting of many faiths and groups. There are mosques and many churches and obviously many synagogues. The problem that the petitioning group has with 554 and Rabbi Feldman is not that we don’t want people to be free to worship in this town, but that there are rules, laws and due process that need to be followed. If we allow this group to twist things and deceive their way into getting what they want with disregard for other tax-paying town residents, what is to stop other groups from doing the same thing. (I am pretty certain that they would have been filing for a tax-exemption very soon). It will be very easy for anyone to rise up and say, “Hey, you are discriminating against my right to exercise my religious freedom in this town, so I will go and hire a pro-bono attorney and make this all about a civil right case”.
We understand that the town is put in a difficult position in this situation, but we commend them in trying to do the right thing for ALL the citizens of this town, not for the select few because they believe they should be treated differently. We would also expect that the Jewish Standard and Mr. Santacurz would see it as such and report it fairly.
I'm very disappointed that you keep using innuendos and unsubstantiated statements and claim they are facts.
so, let's take your points one by one:
Owned by non-profit and rented to Rabbi: True, but please explain relevance? This was never hidden and the intention was to have a private prayer group as allowed by RLUIPA, the U.S. Constitution and Teaneck Zoning laws.
The permit was filed as a family room: Correct. It is a family room. If I add a family to my house and plan on using it to host a poker game for 5 hours/week, I don't put down "family room/ casino". If, tomorrow, the house is sold to Lawrence Taylor who decides to host a Football party, all day saturday (for college), all day sunday (for Pro) and on Monday nights in the same room, there would be nothing to discuss. So, you can watch footbal with 50 friends for 20 hours/week in your family room, but you can pray with your friends for 5 hours/week. DOH!
Your discussions with Mr. Turitz/Mr Gluck: I don't know what they said to you, but I know what they said to Rabbi Feldman. If they told you one story and told him another, then it is Mr. Gluck who is the liar, not Rabbi Feldman.
Intent to use as a private prayer group. All appropriate paper works WAS FILE. GO check video tape of April Town Council Meeting. Turitz makes it clear that Private Prayer groups are approved use for a residence. We confirmed this with him and Gluck and they agreed. AGain, if we were misled (or perhaps you were misled) then it is the town who lied, not Rabbi Feldman.
Relationship with 576: Don't even know where to start with this one. "Appears to be a close relationship" - What does this mean? How do you have ANY idea what the relationship is? Who are you to tell 2 grown people what relationship they are allowed to have? I understand that some of the neighbors have complained about what took place at 576. Rabbi Feldman did not even meet the owner of 576 until about 6-9 months ago. He had nothing to do with anything going on at 576. It is NOT the same group that davened at 576 that davens at 554. Many of those people DID join Rabbi Feldman's minyan when it started at 554, but this had a lot to do with proximity to their homes. The group at 576 was booted out of there when? Why did they not join Rabbi Feldman at Care One if they were all so close?
Clearly there have been (and perhaps continue to be) issues between the owner of 576 and the neighbors. Attempting to use this as a 'weapon' against those that pray at 554 is absurd. If I have a problem with one of my neighbors and a 2nd neighbor who I have no problem with choosed to befriend the 1st neighbor, that mekes the 2nd neighbor guilty of something? Not a healthy way to live life!
"Many Jewish websites list it as a shul" - which ones? Are you suggesting if they are removed, you will no longer have any issues? In doing a search for "etz chaim of teaneck", the only sites I could seem to find were ones that list davening times of 'minyanim' not shuls. It lists a variety of 'mincha' (afternoon prayer) only prayer locations, many of which take place in office buildings.
Size of house vs size of family - who are you to say how big someone's house should be? You are aware of the Rabbi's family situation? The fact that all you know is that he has 2 children shows you know very little of his situation. It is not my place on a public forum to discuss the Rabbi's private life. So, you can either take my word for it that the need for a large house exists (and this does not even include the idea that it is very likely his own family will grow), or you can go over and talk to the Rabbi yourself about it and perhaps he will answer it.
"an additional 20-25 families...". Based on what objective criteria is this no longer a private prayer group but a 'house of worship'. Because you who wants it to go away says so? What about what NJ and Federal Law says about it? What about precedence. Only 1500 feet away is another congregation that got to 55 families before it began construction, and it claims to now have 80 families as it nearly completes construction - yet have you ever raised a complaint about them? or is this just a cause of NIMBY?
"Additionally, based on observance..." Let's see. I'm there for all of the davening, and you're night. So, I guess you see what you want to see. We have about 1 hour of davening on Friday night. About 2-3 hours on saturdya morning and 1 hour on Saturday evening. That's it. Any observant Jew will tell you that's how long davening is. Many of us daven on weekdays at Care One, others daven at other places. Don't know what you think you're seeing going at 554 the rest of the time, but either you're making it up, or paranoid.
"if you look at most houses of worship...". Again, no facts to substantiate your claim. Beth Aaron has 3 or 4 minyanim every morning. It has a full-time office staff. It has afternoon/evening services for 3-4 hours each evening. It runs youth events out of the location, etc...
Bnai Yeshurun is used even more. Even Arzei has a Sunday minyan out of the basement where it davens.
This is you just pulling nonsense out of thin air to try and bolster your very weak case.
"your atttack on the Rabbi's morals": Again, he spoke to Gluck and Turitz, told him EVERYTHING that would happen in the house and they told him it was okay. Perhaps the person without the ethics is Gluck and not the Rabbi who has put EVERYONE in this situation. If I wanted to build a 4-story home on my property and went to the township bldg department and told them everything I was doing and they said "you're fine", then I have done nothing wrong. Mr. Gluck 100% KNEW that there would be a private prayer group at 554.
Your final diatribe: What a pile of BS. For 7 years, another group has been davening in basements without a single variance, without checking with the town for anything and you have sat silent. The fact that they are nearing completion of their 'zoned' shul does not give them the right (accoreding to YOU) to daven for 7 years at a different location without one.
Every shul (and perhaps many churches and mosques) in town began as private prayer groups. So the question should be asked not what special 'preferential' treatment is 554 asking for, but rather, why is 554 being singled out to be held to a higher standard than any other prayer group in town has been asked.
Part of the answer is that we KNOW that members of Arzei Darom have been pushing the neighbors to follow this path, and in the process lying about the path they themselves took.
So, in the end, you have every right to file any complaint based on FACTS. But, if you want to believe that the guys down the block did anything different, you've been fooled 100%.
Who cares really in the long run they are paying taxes on their property. I for one would rather see the 15K or more go into the town then have them stop paying this amount because they are now exempt.
As long as the property is maintained, no illegal or illicit things occur who cares!! I do have to say that the Rabbi or his landlord need to do something with the landscaping as it is a tad blah and the house could use some sprucing up but it is much better looking than it was when it sat empty for years and was not lived in or maintained!
Let them be, if they want to be a prayer group and pay taxes who cares.
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