In its wisdom, the township has decided to disenfranchise a large part of the community by insisting on holding the Independence Day Parade on the morning of July 4th, when a substantial number of residents will be attending synagogue services.
What's worse is that the parade route will pass three synagogues on its route. The synagogues, in an effort not to seem unpatriotic, have acquiesced to the parade passing their buildings during services. Had the synagogues complained, they would have been lambasted by those from "the other half" of the community. So they did the only thing they could possibly do and agreed under duress.
At a council meeting back on March 17th, Mayor Feit and Barbara Toffler suggested moving the parade to Friday whenever the 4th falls out on Saturday and to Monday whenever the 4th falls out on Sunday. This idea was shot down.
Seems that the last time July 4th was on Saturday, there was only one shul on the route (two have since been built) and the parade detoured to Palisade Avenue to bypass the shul. Another time, the route was reversed.
Now, the organizers want to enforce a "quiet zone" around the synagogues. Good luck with that. Even the mayor feels that is an impossible endeavor.
So what can be done?
Suggestion 1: Change the parade's date (It's not unpatriotic; Englewood moved their fireworks and music show to Thursday night).
OR Suggestion 2: Hold the parade in the afternoon when the synagogue services have concluded.
OR Suggestion 3: Change the route so it doesn't pass (and disturb) three synagogues that will be in middle of services at the time of the parade.
By the way, does anybody else see the irony in holding a United States Independence Day parade on a street named for a lady who was Queen of England in the 1700s, when the colonies were still ruled by the British?
1 – 200 of 376 Newer› Newest»Nothing else to bitch about OOR?
I belong to one of those shuls on the route, and I have no problem with it. I mean, what the heck? How long does it take the parade to pass by anyway, 5-10 minutes? We can't give our wonderful country a few minutes of gratitude? I am reminded of when Richard was crowned King of England in the Middle Ages, and a Jewish groups bearing gifts to the coronation was humiliated and forcibly evicted. How far we have come to a country that not only tolerates but actually enforces our rights to be Jews!
We have lots of issues facing the community; this is not one of them. I am proud to be a citizen of this great country!
why remove the cute kid with the camp shirt and red baseball cap from the picture? Is he yours?
May I suggest that you remove all the photos of other people's children from the thread, unless of course you received permission from their parents to post their photos on the internet.
Go back to wherever you came from or have some respect and gratitude for this wonderful country we live in.
No where else would you be able to spew your vile hatred but here. Consider yourself lucky.
If you EVER put photos of myself or my kids on your alleged blog I'll sue your ass off.
Fair use laws allow posting an internet photo for non-commercial purposes
1. The kid's picture was removed to show that the Jewish kids can't participate in this alleged community event. I don't know the kid.
2. Esther watches the parade near Beth Aaron. I'd like to see and hear how quiet she will be in the "quiet zone."
3. I guess those Englewood folks are traitors because they moved their fireworks to Thursday.
4. Respect and gratitude? Respect your neighbors and try not to have a parade in front of their house of worship during religious services.
5. Anybody ever hear of reasonable accommodation?
Anyone in the area can go to the Hashkama minyan and then watch the parade. There is no law against holding an american flag standing next to a parade route on shabbat.
OOR says some crazy things but you have to admit she comes up with some really creative artwork.
1. The kid's picture was removed to show that the Jewish kids can't participate in this alleged community event. I don't know the kid.
give it a rest already oor.
2. Esther watches the parade near Beth Aaron. I'd like to see and hear how quiet she will be in the "quiet zone."
why should anybody have to be quiet?
do you insist on this (quiet zone) every Saturday from all non jews who may pass a shul?
3. I guess those Englewood folks are traitors because they moved their fireworks to Thursday.
who cares? we are talking about Teaneck right?
4. Respect and gratitude? Respect your neighbors and try not to have a parade in front of their house of worship during religious services.
Wa-Wa call a Wambulance! Once again do you demand a "quiet zone" in front of your shul every Saturday or just THIS saturday?
5. Anybody ever hear of reasonable accommodation?
Have the cantor chant a bit louder, close the shul windows
The quiet zone is not my idea, it is the parade organizer's idea.
Yoni, only one of those 3 shuls has a hashkama minyan.
only one of those 3 shuls has a hashkama minyan
so? can't you attend even if you don't belong to that particular shul?
oor perhaps your mexican slave(s) can help you out in enforcing the quiet zone
I fear that I'll have to move from my traditional spot (since 1968) to enjoy Red Mike's Festival Band and the Blue Chip Men's Chorus.
Such a mountain is being made out of this molehill.
Out of Rightfield - I don't get you. This is another example of you trying to instigate hostility between Orthodox Jews and other people. Why do you feel the need to stir things up in this way? Are you merely waiting for someone to respond in a way that will prove that everyone is an anti-semite? Why bring this type of misery on yourself and everybody around you?
The word "disenfranchise" is usually used to mean deprived of the right to vote or to exercise some other fundamental right. In this case it is being used to inflame feelings on a topic of far less impact.
Those of us whose loyalty is to the United States of America want to celebrate the 4th on the 4th! Not the 3rd or the 5th! And religious concerns are strictly secondary to that patriotic loyalty. So my opinion is-kudos to the township and its wisdom!
The mayor and Mrs. Toffler both wanted to move the parade to July 3rd. That is the day when the US celebrates the "legal holiday." That is when businesses are closed.
Whenever a holiday falls on a weekend, the "day off" is pushed back or moved forward to Friday or Monday.
Most American holidays are specifically made to fall out on Monday (or Thursday for Thanksgiving), regardless of the actual date of the occurrence of the event they celebrate. (MLK Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.)
Federal law (5 U.S.C. 6103) establishes public holidays for Federal employees. Most Federal employees work on a Monday through Friday schedule. For these employees, when a holiday falls on a nonworkday -- Saturday or Sunday -- the holiday usually is observed on Monday (if the holiday falls on Sunday) or Friday (if the holiday falls on Saturday).
Teaneck had the option of moving the day of the parade or at least changing the route. The "Patriotic Observance Day" committee rejected the move.
Teaneck could have rerouted the parade or changed the start time, but again, this committee rejected the ideas.
Hameduduin wanted only a fireworks show, no parade. Again, rejected. Wisely, Teaneck is "underfunding" the celebrations. I believe they have also cancelled some of the bands and entertainment at the Votee Park celebration after the parade.
The point I'm trying to make is that there were numerous opportunities to take an event that is probably the most "inclusive" one of the year in this town and keep it that way.
There are no other community-wide events where people from all races, backgrounds, age groups and walks of life participate to the extent they do in the July 4th parade and celebration.
Yet, some bozo on some committee refused to budge despite requests to do so from the town's leadership.
Is it a big deal? No.
Will the shuls be disturbed? Yes.
But it wouldn't have taken much to make this event all-inclusive as it should be and the town failed to do that.
oor who cares if the shuls are disturbed? what about the people that enjoy sleeping in on Saturdays who do not want to attend the parade but who live close to the parade route that will be disturbed out of a deep slumber?
>But it wouldn't have taken much to make this event
>all-inclusive as it should be and the town failed to
>do that.
Maybe you are right about this, but it is hardly "disenfranchisement"!
OOR - I would've also preferred that the townwide parade and party be moved to another day so that we all could celebrate together. I have no idea why the council decided that an alternate date was not possible.
The problem that people have with you is that you always manage to twist everything into a conspiracy against the Jews.
Esther, in the past the parade was rerouted to avoid passing the lone synagogue on the route. This year, the parade organizers were asked to reroute the parade around the THREE synagogues it will pass, but refused to do so or to make any other accommodations despite being asked to do so by members of the town council. They have instead offered to impose "quite zones" for two blocks around each synagogue, effectively eliminating parade activities in 6 of the 18 blocks of the parade route (I counted streets on the west side of Queen Anne Road from the start of the route until Votee Park).
What else do you want to call it?
Which three synagogues will the parade pass? Beth Aaron, Arzei Darom and ??? Oh yes - the non-synagogue at the corner of Queen Anne Road and Van Buren Avenue. But that's not a synagogue - it's just a prayer group ...
It appears the observant Jewish community itself is divided on this. Councilman Gussen was pretty clear that while his participation might be affected, he still thought the 4th of July should be celebrated on the 4th. And have we forgotten the "Proud American" Michael Stark, who railed against Mayor Feit for "speaking for the Jewish community"? (Okay, Michael Stark doesn't really exist, but his very small-c creator does.)
Fact is there was no way to change the date or the time, without forfeiting some money that had already been contractually committed for guest bands. And when the parade route was previously diverted to Palisade Avenue to avoid just one synagogue, my understanding is that it stayed on Palisade Avenue. This time it would have to meander back up to Queen Ann in order to avoid another synagogue just beyond Cedar Lane.
And that ain't necessarily an easy hill to climb when you're lugging a tuba.
I'll bet there is a lot more talking in OORF's shul than there is outside. I've been to those shuls on Queen Anne road and there's a whole lotta talkin goin on. More than talking to God. Many of these people have so much more to say to their neighbors than to God. They should socialize outside.
So is it a synagogue or prayer group?
Officially it's a prayer group, although at the March 17 council meeting, Mayor Feit called it a synagogue.
Fact is, no matter what you call it, they will be holding services on July 4th morning.
lets get the facts straight at least, ok. they are a prayer group, nothing more or less. so the facts are the parade route passes 2 legal synagogues who cares what a bunch of private citizens are doing in a neighbors home.
So clarify another thing. If most of the people are talking to each other, is it a prayer group or a synagogue? If more people are talking to God and not to their neighbors is it a prayer group or a synagogue? Not much of a quiet zone there.
Didn't the prayer group get hit with a cease & desist order? What's up with that?
It seems to me that it is not a prayer group since there is much more talking than praying going on so they did "cease and desist". :)
Since Teaneck does not have a fireworks show, I suggest everybody head over to Terhune Park on River Road on Saturday night (9:15 or just after havdalah) for an excellent view of the Hackensack fireworks, which take place just across the river at Foschini Park.
What did Mayor Feit say at the council meeting about the prayer group?
About an hour and 45 minutes into the meeting.
Change the word synagogue to church or mosque and you can see how fast the town runs to move the parade. Jews don't matter.
what three synagogues is the mayor talking about and where are they located? will the parade have the quiet zones?
3 shuls on Queen Anne are at Van Buren Avenue, at Norma Road and at Edgemont Terrace. Quiet zones should be from Herrick to Griggs, from Vandelinda to Demott and from Carlton to Grayson.
3 shuls on Queen Anne are at Van Buren Avenue, at Norma Road and at Edgemont Terrace. Quiet zones should be from Herrick to Griggs, from Vandelinda to Demott and from Carlton to Grayson
Sorry Anonymous but you are mistaken. There are actually only 2 legal shuls on Queen Anne Rd that the parade will pass.
The prayer group on the corner of Van Buren and Queen Anne is not a shul. If they want to be reclassified as a shul then the good rabbi will need to find a new home and they will have to remove the property from the tax rolls. The rabbi living at the house in question keeps insisting it is a prayer group and nothing more, so is he lying or not?
Who is actually going to enforce this quiet zone and is there a penalty for not being quiet?
First of all, what the heck is a "legal" shul? If you're talking about zoning rules, that's another issue, but it is still a "shul." Maybe it's not a "synagogue."
Second of all, I just watched the video of the council meeting and it seems like some guy named Lou or Lew on some town committee is the real asshole here who wouldn't change the parade route or the time. Feit said that the parade was always rerouted when it was on Saturday in the past but this time this Lou guy refused. Who is Lou and why is he making decisions like this!
I am very confused. Does Mayor Feit consider there to be three synagogues or two on Queen Anne Road? I don't think the parade should be concerned about a private resident holding a meeting in his own home if that's what's going on.
In the video I posted a link to earlier, the mayor does refer to the house minyan as a synagogue.
He also mentions that the parade can't be rerouted up Palisade because there is also a synagogue on Palisade off Cedar Lane now.
Thanks for the clarification OOR. Sounds like you know what's going on with the 3rd synagogue. What happened to the cease & desist order?
The cease and desist order was for a new room that they were going to use for services. So they still use the old room.
I believe this December 2008 Record article refers to "that guy named Lou on some town committee":
TEANECK — The Township Council on Monday honored Lou Tiboldo, a longtime member and past president of the volunteer ambulance corps, for his actions in helping to save the life of a co-worker in July.
The co-worker, Jim Stolz, went into cardiac arrest at his desk. Along with other co-workers, Tiboldo administered CPR and used a defibrillator before Stolz was transported to a hospital.
Both attended a council meeting Monday, and Tiboldo said the honor was an opportunity to encourage all businesses, schools and other buildings to install automated external defibrillators.
— Joseph Ax
He sounds like a real jerk, doesn't he?
I think the third synagogue does use the new room for services. It's a good question. What happened to the cease & desist order?
If the house on queen anne rd and van buren is an actual synagogue not a prayer group as the rabbi insists why don't they get it rezoned as such?
OOR your full of shit! The Rabbi in his own words has even said it is a "prayer group" and they do use the new addition of prayer services. Double check what he has said.
I still want to know who is enforcing these "quiet zones" and what is the fine/punishment for not being quiet?
This can't be good. Will the taxpayers have to pay for yet another lawsuit because the town messed up?
Sounds like the town ordered the rabbi and his friends to stop with the synagogue a year ago but never enforced the order.
Is the mayor hiding something?
Holy cow! If the town issued the order not intending to enforce it or agreeing with the synagogue not to do anything with it, that is bad.
Who says it's the same Lou? The Lou I mentioned was on the patriotic observance board not TVAC.
who is bringing the air horns tomorrow for those quiet zones?
Summary: I was at one of the shuls. The quiet zone was observed except by the nasty firemen who sounded their sirens (I think on purpose, they know who's against their raises).
The kids stood outside to watch but all the candy they got thrown at them was non-kosher. Kudos to TVAC for bringing kosher lollipops for the Jewish kids.
The kids stood outside to watch? Then why the need for a quiet zone?
Somebody said the quiet zones went from Herrick to Griggs and Vandelinda to Demott. Where were the noisy zones. Why do we need two synagogues so close to each other?
One is a synagogue and the other is just a prayer group. If it was actually a synagogue then the rabbi would need to find a new home and they would not be paying property taxes.
I thought the mayor said it was a synagogue. What's the difference anyway between an organized prayer group and a synagogue?
If they are claiming tax exempt status then the rabbi needs a new home anyone want to take him and his family in?
I thought the mayor said it was a synagogue.
who cares what the mayor says what does the rabbi say?
The town seems to be speaking with two voices. On the one hand, they ordered the synagogue to cease and desist. I think OOR had a lot to say about that. On the other hand, the mayor says they are a synaggogue just like the many other synagogues in town. Which one is it?
The shul that pretended it's meeting hall was a family room has applied to the town to rezone the house to allow the house to be used as a residence with the meeting hall used as a house of worship. The town turned them down and they have appealed.
That doesn't make a helluva a lot of sense. If the town ordered the synagogue to cease and desist, it has to enforce the order. The town can't simply ignore that the synagogue is using the house illegally as a synagogue even if the synagogue says it might want to rezone at some point. I think the town might have a legal problem with this.
Courts have found that the constitution prohibits the prohibition of prayer groups meeting in private residences.
You can't stop them from praying.
What courts?
Why have zoning laws at all?
Why have Houses of Worship apply for approval to boards of adjustment?
Why did the town order the group to cease and desist if "courts prohibit the prohibition of prayer groups in private residences" (whatever that means)?
Why can't the synagogue just play by the rules like everyone else?
Is there something unique about this synagogue that it thinks the Constitution protects it from the same rules that everyone else has?
I should start a prayer group/house of worship in my house then I can sell things on Sunday, build a house as tall as the new one on Johnson Ave, and have the mayor defend my right to have a quiet zone around my house one day a year while I make as much noise as I want the rest of the year. After 3-5 years of nonenforcement I can then say I'm done here and move. Ain't life grand!
I saw that monstrosity going up on Johnson Avenue. Who allowed that on that street? Disgraceful.
Asking government to accomodate the Jewish community by changing the date of 4th of July celebration because of Sabbath is unconstitutional, WHAT HAPPEN TO SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE, giving preference to one faith is against the LAW.
(black, latino, christian, jewish, muslim & atheist)YOU DON'T HAVE TO HIDE UNDER ANONYMOUS.
The constitution does not exempt religion from zoning.
Sounds like the prayer group is trying to get around claiming the whole house is a synagogue so the rabbi can remain in his home and they congregation/members do not have to buy him a new one. Sneaky!
Nobody asked to move the holiday, just the parade date. Government employees got a day of paid vacation on Friday. Is that unpatriotic?
And Christmas is a Federal holiday. Are you against that?
Jaime, you must want to repeal the Sunday Blue Laws also.
Even if they use a part of the house for organized worship, they still have to follow the zoning laws. Why didn't the town enforce the cease & desist order?
Out of Rightfield, I agree with you, Unfortunately Paramus is surronded by 6 malls within 2 miles and they need a day of rest. Teaneck does not observe the blue law because the Jewish community day of rest is the Sabbath, walk on Cedar Lane Sunday and every store is open. Yes it started as a religious thing and today it's retain more as a tradition, out of convenience, Grandfathered in and also for better quality of life. Every town in Bergen county has the authority to over rule it. You have to admit it is nice seeing route 4 empty on Sunday. Bergen County is the only County in the Nation, Not Bad.
Out of Rightfield, This is not a high school debate tournament where you play with words and do and say whatever and anything to win the debate/tournament.
Moving the 4TH OF JULY Parade date and Keeping the July 4th Holiday on the 4th of July is one in the same, it's not up to you or me. 4th of July date has a significance and their are times it falls on a Monday and we all have to go to work on Tuesday. Their are times it falls on Sunday and the Christian community celebrates it on their day of rest (Has to skip church to see parade) and go to work on Monday. It is what it is when it is. IT'S BIGGER THAN YOU AND ME, JEWISH OR CHRISTIAN OR MUSLIM, NO ONE HAS THE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO PLAY WITH FOURTH OF JULY DATES OR CELEBRATIONS, WE ARE ALL AMERICAN BEFORE WE ARE ANYTHING ELSE. IF YOU PUT AMERICA FIRST THIS COUNTRY WOULD BE EVEN STRONGER AND BETTER.
I don't see the connection of Christmas to a non religious holiday like 4th of July, I guess you wanted to take the debate to another level so you could win the July 4th debate??? I also don't get the connection of getting paid on Friday for a long non-religious weekend? are you upset? Please elaborate your point.
I hate to jump into a stirring debate between Jamie and OOR, but Jamie said something that is patently not true: individual towns in Bergen can NOT opt out of the blue laws. In Teaneck, like every other town in Bergen, only a narrow selection of consumer goods are permitted to be sold on Sunday. Paramus's blue laws are more restrictive than the County laws which is why bookstores and toy stores cannot sell their products in Paramus on Sundays.
Esther, you are 100% correct, Teaneck does not enforce the law and many business operate on Sundays selling items they should not be selling under the county blue law, which gives the illusion that Teaneck has no blue law, my mistake. Paramus enforces the law for obvious reason 6 days of retail is more than enough in their back yard.
Jaimie - You're blowing smoke. Retailer in Teaneck follows the letter of the County blue laws. The laws for the county are less strict than for Paramus.
Esther, I admited that you where 100% correct, which I think was a mistake because it went to your head. I don't know what is the point your trying to make Before I wrote back to you I called my neighbor who is a detective in Town and also google blue law and Teaneck police chief goes on the record that they don't enforce the Law just follow complaints from people, which they have not received in years.
It seems Teaneck is a very compansionate & tolerant community compare to other towns where people and police enforce the blue law.
You can buy a tshirt, sweatshirts, toaster, appliance at CVS & Walgreens and several other mom and pop stores on Sunday, is that following the letter of the county Blue Law? BY THE WAY, I DON'T LIKE THE BLUE LAW BECAUSE IT GIVES THE ILLUSION THAT IT FAVORS CHRISTIANS OVER OTHER FAITHS, WHICH TODAY THE LAW IS MORE ABOUT QUALITY OF LIFE AND CONVENIENCE. I still LIKE THE IDEA OF ONE DAY BUSINESS CLOSE BUT WHICH DAY? MONDAY??TUESDAY?SATURDAY?? SUNDAY is the most convenient day to close without affecting business bottom line, THAT WHERE CONVENIENCE COMES IN.
I agree with you that every store/business should take one day off. It is good for business and good for the owner's and employee's psyche. Most hair salons are closed on Monday and/or tuesday because the weekends are their busiest days. Each business should decide which day works best for his or her business. For me, Sunday is my busiest day while Fridays are rather slow.
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