Tough to navigate the aisles; you have to go up and down every aisle as they all come to dead-ends.
In the kosher departments, I bought boneless kosher for Passover chicken cutlets, $3.69 a pound for a family size pack; Shredded cheese, kosher for Passover, $1.99 for an 8 ounce bag.; Temp-Tee cream cheese, kosher for Passover, 99¢ for an 8 ounce tub.
I wanted to see if the introductory prices in Paramus were that much cheaper than Fairway's regular prices. I checked their online circulars for the Brooklyn and Long Island stores, and it seems their regular prices are just a few cents higher than the prices in Paramus this week: Long Island and Brooklyn both were $3.99 for the chicken, same price for the cream cheese. The silver-tip roast which was $5.99 a pound in Paramus is $6.99 on Long Island.
Does this mean that local kosher consumers will finally have some good news as it relates to prices? Will Glatt Express try to match Fairway's prices? (Note that G.E.'s chopped meat at $3.29 a pound for the family pack is still the lowest anywhere). Will somebody start a slanderous rumor about Rabbi Marmorstein's supervision, since he's not with the RCBC? Will the new kosher section at the Paramus Shop-Rite be able to compete? (their prices are already too high). Will Harold's, across the street, be able to survive? Will the new Whole Foods in Paramus try to cater to the kosher shopper?
Stay tuned.
Does every supermarket have to cater to the kosher jew? I hope not. I like being able to walk into a store and not see the wig wearing jews with their snotty nosed kids in tow blocking the aisles!
Dead-end aisles at Fairway? YIKES - who designed the place!!! I'd feel trapped in an instant with the aisles full of all of those cart-weilding mall maulers.
Will the new Whole Foods in Paramus try to cater to the kosher shopper?
Probably not. The kosher shopper is not Whole Foods' target audience. Think non-penny conscious yoga-practicing granola-chomping non-kosher yuppies.
Dear Anonymous (you anti-semite bastard),
Try the Dumont Stop and Shop or the Hackensack Shop Rite (depending on which side of Teaneck you're from). Those stores are pretty much Judenrein.
Hope that was helpful.
The circular for Paramus is here
If you can boycott, bitch about german products I can boycott, bitch about the stores that cater to the jews. You can keep the supermarkets that cater to the jews and I will stick to whole foods and the shop rite in palisades park, juden frei!
I've been to the Palisades Park Shop-Rite. They have a decent sized kosher section and even fresh kosher chicken. Stick to Hackensack. They even have a Taco Bell in the parking lot.
I've been to the Palisades Park Shop-Rite. They have a decent sized kosher section and even fresh kosher chicken. Stick to Hackensack.
Thanks I will stick to the palisades park store, rather deal with the koreans and senior citizens than the jewish mamma's and snotty toddlers that supermarkets closer to home are infested with!
I commend you for posting your photo next to your comments. You're an inspiration to all who would like these blogs to be less anonymous. Perhaps I'll permit photos on Teaneck Progress as well.
How do you know it is HIS photo? Based of the constant inflammatory posts here and by RF in general, I'd think s/he would need almost as many bodyguards as an AIG VP.
I can't believe you Out Of Rightfield. After all the racist and or insulting comments you make about others you have the nerve to get offended and call someone a bastard. It doesn't feel good when the shoe is on the other foot. Does it?
You think the world and Teaneck revolve around the Orthodox community. Surprise, it doesn't.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Of course, 1 wrong is still a wrong.
The person who posted on this first with his/her obnoxious comments is an anti-semitic bastard. Out of Right Field is some other form of bastard.
Wrong is wrong.
Supermarkets will 'cater' to the 'kosher' jew, if it is profitable - PERIOD.
If you don't like it, shop somewhere else. Then it might be less profitable for them and they might change their minds.
I understand that Pennsylvania has the highest number of hate groups in it. Perhaps you'd be more comfortable there.
(*p.s. is your name Karin by any chance?)
You think the world and Teaneck revolve around the Orthodox community. Surprise, it doesn't.
now why did you have to go and burst her little bubble?
This blog is like a self fulfilling prophesy.
bergen county is the jew county. I hate the jews, I will stick to the wasps in somerset!! These jews alls they want is free samples. Such fat cheap slobs!!!!
these jews have the defective driving gene, so imagine the supermarket cart with their autistic kids in tow. These jews and their austics that fairway is for the jews and it sucks too!!! We need to rid bergen of these jews in bergen county they wrecked it with their love of high taxes, cops and teachers. High tax and low quality for example the olive garden!! Jews will eat anything!
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'Anonymous' your time is coming..
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