I wanted to write something about impeaching Mayor Feit, but I'll leave that to the Teaneck Truth folks.
Wednesday's Bergen Record had a piece about how the Teaneck Community Charter School, which has 287 students in grades K-8 (with hundreds more on a waiting list), broke ground on a new building, set to cost $9.5 million dollars.
Here's the nice part for Teaneck taxpayers: It's not your money.
Charter school facilities projects are not eligible for state or federal funding. While the Teaneck Board of Education pays for the students tuition (at 90% of the amount spent per public school student), the building will be paid for by the school itself, through fundraising activities.
That's a good thing for Teaneck.
For my next proposal, how about selling the land where the Teaneck High School football field is now situated. It's right off Route 4 and would be the perfect size for a shopping mall. I'm sure a sale of that land would bring in a hefty price. I'm assuming there's nothing in the law books that requires a football field at the high school. Seems like quite a waste of space for a football field that hosts just a few games a year. I don't think there's anything wrong with moving football home games somewhere else, like Votee Park, if it can be configured, or some other town facility. That would be another good thing for Teaneck.
Better idea why not put the Synagogues/prayer groups back on the tax rolls?
While your at it, why not build a 30-story commercial office tower on the lawn in front of TJ? Or an abattoir on the parking lot next to J&J Surgical Supplies? What about a theme park with drive through safari on the empty lot next to Raven Hair Salon on Cedar Lane?
Now I like that idea Esther, a theme park with a drive through safari or perhaps a drive through petting zoo.
Heck why not extend the ideas a bit more. Why not build a homeless shelter on the soccer field at BF or perhaps a Rehab Center (that would at least bring $$ into the town).
Oh better yet why not build the theme park over in Votee Park, plenty of wasted space over there and heck they can even make it Handicapped accessible so EVERYONE could enjoy it. Perhaps the council could get a grant and the taxpayers could make up the difference, yeah I am liking this idea!!!
Selling the football field is a bit much, but building in front of TJ sounds like a great idea. Put a road in front of TJ running from Lindberg to Fycke Roads would put the school in the middle of a residential neighborhood rather than on a main road.
How about we widen the TJ brook into a canal - This would improve commercial trade prospects between the peoples of Lindberg Boulevard and peoples of Fycke Lane.
How about the homeless shelter or a halfway house at Rightfield's home? It shows diversity. It will give her something to talk about besides complaining about people honking her on Cedar Lane.
If we lived in Texas, you could get killed for suggesting a football field be converted into a shopping mall.
Down there, I think they close all the shopping malls while the high school football games are going on.
Maybe the Yeshivas should institute a football program and this way the average guy in the CBY softball league won't weigh 300 lbs before his 30th birthday.
Let's close the high school, move the students into the space being vacated by the charter school and turn the building in a giant haunted house!!!
This is the type of creativity we need in Teaneck.
Keep thinking outside of the box folks!
Here are two more ideas:
Build aerial tram lines along major thoroughfares to relieve traffic.
Dig a trench around the entire border of the town, fill it with water and create the worlds longest "lazy river" ride which would be available to skaters in the winter.
"Aerial tram lines"
I'm thinking monorail!
What about jet-packs? It works for the Jetsons and no construction involved.
I still want a huge holiday display in front of the library and municipal area with EVERY faith and sort of faith (love Festivus!) represented. How about making it permanent and lighting it all up everytime there is a holiday or a full moon??
What about a full scale replica of Stonehenge in the middle of Votee Park. Town can earn revenue from the rent on snack and gift shop concessions.
We should use the mound of dirt to our advantage. Make it an attraction and of course sell snacks and gifts.
Picture it a t-shirt that says " I've been to the Mound" or "Someone went to the Mound and all they brought me was this stupid t-shirt"
Wait until it snows and make the mound of dirt a sledding hill for profit! Rent sleds for those who do not have (money goes to the town) as well as warm snacks, Nespresso coffee and Mound T shirts!
The monorail could wisk tourists visitng the Mound and Stonehenge, Jr. to Cedar Lane for some shopping, a movie and perhaps a delightful meal of steak from cows freshly killed at the Cedar Lane abattoir.
After dinner, tourists could enjoy a romantic gondola ride on the TJ canal.
yeah I like the idea of putting the Churches back on the tax rolls. They got tons of cash that Teaneck could use
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