This afternoon, there was a serious accident on Route 4 Westbound in Teaneck. A car was disabled in the right lane. A police car stopped behind the disabled vehicle and had its flashers on. A dump truck could not stop in time and rear ended the police car. A BMW was also involved.
Thank G-D, nobody was seriously injured.
The key point is that THERE IS NO SHOULDER on that section of Route 4.
Which brings me to my question: Should Teaneck develop the sides of Route 4? Wouldn't some strip malls and gas stations on the side of the road (for instance on the big empty patch near Belle Avenue, where the road shrinks to two lanes) be a good thing for everybody? More businesses to pay taxes to the town and a place to pull over if you're stuck, so you can get out of traffic.
I say do it.
Of course there may be reasons from a space and engineering standpoint why it can't happen.
What do you think?
I live 1 block away from that Belle Ave. exit. I like the grassy area just like it is, thank you very much.
dont make a difference- the law is the law. no matter what you'd like, they aint developing it...
That 'space' is called 'open space'. It's a no go. There's not enough width anywhere else on Route 4 to even add in lanes or shoulders let alone build gas stations or strip mall. Plus, if there was enough room for gas stations and strip mall (which by the way are very ugly and undesireable uses to have in close proximity to single family residential neighborhoods) the egress and ingress to and from these uses would exacerbate an already bad traffic problem. The only exception to all of this is the industrial area abutting the border the Englewood which could certainly be developed at a higher use such as retail.
I say we build a strip mall full of Catholic and Muslim stores right where RD lives.
So RF any "open space" by you that we can develop?
from the Township website:
Teaneck Greenbelt Committee: The Committee was formed to protect the open space known as the “Greenbelt" along Route 4 in Teaneck by working with Township officials and NJDOT to improve safety and traffic flow along the highway. It is made up of representatives from various advisory boards, commissions and organizations in Township as well as interested residents. The Township Council has passed a Resolution, recommended by the Committee, to support the elimination of the eastbound bottleneck by widening the highway to three lanes in both directions. It has also been agreed that any land taken from the Greenbelt for highway improvements should be compensated by the State in the purchase of equal open space land within the Township.
I agree with everything Esther said, but there is another thing to consider. Who owns Route 4? Is it the county? The township (doubtful since it runs through a few municipalities)or the state? Depending on the ownership there are different laws dealing with what you can do with a road such as Route 4 or the area that borders it.
As someone on the eruv committee (the string "fence" that allows Orthodox Jews to carry in an area on the Sabbath) in another county, I learned that you can't do anything with the land bordering the roads, the roads themselves or even the light poles unless you work patiently with which ever municipality owns each entity. If you want to expand Route 4, you have to deal with the utility companies as well even if you move one telephone pole.
Karin, what do they sell at Catholic stores? There is a Christian book and religious items store on Teaneck Road that I have been to. Anything different? I'm not making fun, just curious. Or am I just missing the scarcasism because I had a long day at work? :)
Karin, what do they sell at Catholic stores? There is a Christian book and religious items store on Teaneck Road that I have been to. Anything different? I'm not making fun, just curious. Or am I just missing the scarcasism because I had a long day at work? :)
Well my post was "full" of sarcasm, I am sure that you did not miss it :)
But to answer your question, a Catholic Store will sell Catholic books, cards, statues, Rosaries, BIG OVER SIZE PICTURES OF THE POPE, and lots of other Catholic items.
The store on Teaneck Rd you mentioned is a Christian store, they carry more things geared towards the other Christian denominations. You will find it hard to find the Catechism of the Catholic Church in that store, or a rosary, Scapular, Saint Medals, A Catholic Bible (just a few examples).
The state owns Route 4.
Wouldn't some strip malls and gas stations on the side of the road (for instance on the big empty patch near Belle Avenue, where the road shrinks to two lanes) be a good thing for everybody?
What do you think?
Yuk is what I think! I appreciate the sense of relief from all the commercialization of the surrounding towns.
Ohhhhh, I've got it, now. Out Of Right Field is like Stephen Colbert -- this is a comedy blog!
You're right! I did NOT see any religious medals, rosaries, anything regarding catechism, and not one Pope Picture! Duh, sometimes I just have to pay attention late at night. Thanks for the info!
Public School Parent,
I wish you were right, but I know too many shallow minded people in this town that think just like out of rightfield and they can't see the big picture. It's sad that they refuse to expand their minds.
It seems that every other town that Route 4 passes through (Englewood, Hackensack, Paramus) has businesses on the sides of the road. I guess they ALSO miss the BIG picture.
I guess I'm not one of your rich, stuck up Teaneck snob types who loves paying higher taxes so we can have more "open space."
Out of Rightfield,
If you took a GOOD LOOK at the development bordering route 4, you will see that it does not back up to private homes so that the parking lots are 3 feet from their front doors. And by the way, if you looked at the tax rolls of neighboring towns, they are just as high as Teaneck, (except Paramus who is offset by more malls than you can count). These other towns just don't have as many people screaming about the high taxes publically as Teaneck people - that I am aware of. Besides, I'm all for commercial development in Teaneck. There are plenty of places other than along Route 4. If you would have been paying attention to all of the discussion on the blogs that has nothing to do with Jews than you would see that there are plenty of other attractive places for development. It has been discussed quite a bit.
Get real. You can't see the Belle Avenue exit going west during the day or even worse at night. Do you really think that it could be better seen with buildings there? Impossible. Right now the best quick fix for that area are long reflector poles so that the exits can be seen before you are right on top of them. Don't be short sighted.
I think we could really use an adult entertainment emporium along Rt 4 -- or better yet, in the former Geronimos on Cedar Lane. The tax benefits would be HUGE. Except for Satin Dolls in Clifton(?) there wouldn't be anytning like it in the vicinity. And we would have such easy access from NYC that persons who can't afford the Hustler club off the West Side Highway could zip on over to Teaneck and spend their money here.
I think Teaneck has an ordinance against sex shops/strip clubs and tattoo parlors, but it sure would bring diversity to Cedar Lane
I support selling the mineral rights to the Route 4 greenbelt. After the gas, oil and/or minerals have been stripped away, all that will be left will easily maintained sandy loam.
Just out of curiosity, IF the Greenbelt could be shown to have a diamond cash underneath it and by mining it, everyone in teaneck would have his property tax bill erased for the next 10 or 20 years, then would you be in favor of it?
To anonymous at 3:41pm -
Perhaps you meant a diamond "cache?"
Anonymous - If it was determined that selling one of your children into a life of prostitution would generate enough cash to erase your property tax bill for the next 10 to 20 years, would you be in favor of it?
Yeah, Esther...
those are equivalent....
Yeah, Esther...
those are equivalent....
Indeed, they are both straw men!
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